As a member of the ELCA, Church of Our Saviour cooperates with local and area ELCA congregations in many programs and services. We frequently share staff, space, and resources in such programs as Vacation Bible School, Lenten services and suppers, and special worship opportunities. Our congregation is part of the Oshkosh Conference of the East Central Synod of the ELCA. Before the merger that created the ELCA, Church of Our Saviour was affiliated with the Lutheran Church in America (LCA), and prior to that merger, it was a member congregation of the United Lutheran Church (ULC).

Fond du Lac Ministerial Association
The roster of the Fond du Lac Ministerial Association includes a wide spectrum of ordained and lay clergy from our area. Meeting monthly, the group serves as a liaison and catalyst for many ecumenical ventures in the community.

Wisconsin Council of Churches
The Wisconsin Council of Churches community consists of 12 member denominations and their judicatory units, three associate members, and two observer judicatories. These include:
American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin
Christian Church: Disciples of Christ
Church of the Brethren
Episcopal Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Greek Orthodox Church
Moravian Church
Orthodox Church in America
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Reformed Church in America
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee and Diocese of La Crosse are associated with the Council as official Observers. Church Women United, the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee and the Madison Area Urban Ministry are Associate Members.

Care INC
Care INC (Care In the Name of Christ) is a collaborative project uniting churches and agencies in the greater Fond du Lac area to more effectively assist those in need. Visit www.fdlcareinc.org for more information.