Thank you for your interest in supporting the ministry here at Church of Our Saviour. Through the generosity of your gifts, we are able to be a place for everyone to worship and experience the love of Jesus. Your returning a portion of what God has given to you allows us to continue His ministry.

Online giving allows for a specific dollar amount to be deducted automatically from a checking/savings account or debit/credit card. You can set up online giving either as a one-time donation or a recurring gift. Online giving is not only easy — it’s also safe and secure. This option helps individuals and families remain faithful in their giving even when they are out of town or unable to attend a weekend service. You can update or modify your giving schedule at any time.

You can contribute directly to Church of Our Saviour by clicking on the "Donate" button to be taken to the secure PayPal website. You do not need a PayPal account to make a donation using your credit card. Please consider adding 2.5% to your donation to cover the service fee.

Worship Services
Simply place cash or checks in the offering plate during the collection at any service. Be sure to put your name and address on the check or envelope (found in seat back pockets).

Mail your donation to: Church of our Saviour, 363 South Main St., Fond du Lac, WI 54935. Be sure your name and address are on the check and envelope.

Estate or Stock Transfer
We will graciously accept the contribution of stock. We can also help you include the church in your estate plans. Please contact our office for assistance at 920-922-0020.