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Music Ministry

Adult Choir

The Adult Choir is directed by Janet Radke. The choir prepares music for two services per month from September through May, plus other special services. Choir rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings at 6:45 PM in the parlor. Adults and Senior High youth are welcome to join.


Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir is directed by Janet Radke. The Handbell Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 5:45 PM. Adults and Senior High youth are welcome to join. Some music reading ability is preferred. The Handbell Choir provides a musical offering at one service per month from September through May, plus other special services.

Other Music Ministry Opportunities

Other ways to participate in the music ministry include the flute ensemble, brass ensemble, vocal and instrumental solos, and cantors. Contact Janet if interested at

Pipe Organ

The pipe organ that leads the music for our traditional worship services is a German-built tracker organ, specially designed for our sanctuary and installed during the 1980s, when Rev. Gerald V. Goodrich was senior pastor. It is widely held to be among the finest tracker organs in our area, and is occasionally used for organ recitals and other special music events. Click here to watch a presentation on the organ by organist Pam Lane, and explore our YouTube channel for more videos that feature the organ.

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